Publications and Presentations

To request any of the below Publications and Presentations, please call the Land Equity Legal office on 0407 909 939 to speak to us or leave a message about the document(s) you would like to get from us. The list below is a sample. We have more and they are added to annually.

Publications and Presentations by Marcus Holmes
  1. Risk Management in the Native Title Era: Key Issues for the Resources Industry AusIMM Technical Talk, Perth, February 2015.
  2. Permitting the Permits: Native Title Negotiations: 2 Case Studies, Session 2, Indigenous Engagement, 2013 APPEA Onshore Gas Conference, Adelaide, October 2013.
  3. Native Title, Cultural Heritage and Environmental Management, Presentation to Environmental Company, Perth, 9 April 2013.
  4. Native Title and Cultural Heritage Law Lectures and Papers, Mining Law Course, University of Western Australia,  Perth (2009 to current).
  5. What is Best Practice? Mabo 20 Years On, Legalwise Seminar, Perth,  19 June 2012.
  6. Agreement Making in Native Title: “Best Practice” in Sight? Getting the Best Practice in Native Title Negotiations, AIATSIS National Native Title Conference, Townsville, 4 June 2012.
  7. Best Practice for Native Title Land Use Negotiations, Tonkin’s Native Title Forum, Perth,   29 August 2011.
  8. Ethical Issues for Native Title Practitioners,  Legalwise Native Title Conference, Perth 3 June 2011.
  9. Native Title Workshop Presentation, Aurora Project, Perth, February 2011.
  10. Native Title Workshop Presentation, Aurora Project, Melbourne, November 2010.
  11. Negotiations with Indigenous Communities and Cultural Heritage Issues,  Permit and Project Approval Conference, Perth, 30 October 2008.
  12. Agreements under the Native Title Act, November 2006.
  13. Agreements and Negotiations with Indigenous People: Handling of Native Title and Cultural Heritage Business by Resource and Developers, Mining Law Update, Legalwise Seminar, Perth, 20 September 2005.
  14. Expediting Exploration in Victoria: the Regional ILUA Approach, Minerals Council of Australia, Inaugural Global Sustainable Development Conference, Melbourne 25-29 October 2004.
  15. Risk Management in the Native Title Era:  Negotiations Obligations and Approaches, AusIMM Mining Risk Conference, Sydney, 9-12 September 2003.
  16. Victorian Local Government and the Indigenous Community: Best Practice in Consultation.
  17. Indigenous People and Country.  
  18. Working with Government and Communities: Regional ILUAs in Victoria.
  19. Consulting with Aboriginal People about Aboriginal Heritage Business.
  20. Native Title Negotiations Practice: Survey of Native Title Holders.
  21. Oil and Gas Agreements Course: Native Title Paper, UWA, November 2013.
  22. Native Title Negotiations Strategy Checklist and Template.
  23. Native Title Negotiator Newsletters.
  24. Native Title PBC News Newsletters.
  25. Business models for Native Title PBCs and related entities.
  26. Guidance on Running Native Title PBCs.
  27. Updates on new WHS laws in WA.
  28. Covid-19 Management in the Workplace.
  29. Covid-19 Management on Cultural Heritage Surveys.

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