To request any of the below Publications and Presentations, please call the Land Equity Legal office on 0407 909 939 to speak to us or leave a message about the document(s) you would like to get from us. The list below is a sample. We have more and they are added to annually.
Publications and Presentations by Marcus Holmes
- Risk Management in the Native Title Era: Key Issues for the Resources Industry AusIMM Technical Talk, Perth, February 2015.
- Permitting the Permits: Native Title Negotiations: 2 Case Studies, Session 2, Indigenous Engagement, 2013 APPEA Onshore Gas Conference, Adelaide, October 2013.
- Native Title, Cultural Heritage and Environmental Management, Presentation to Environmental Company, Perth, 9 April 2013.
- Native Title and Cultural Heritage Law Lectures and Papers, Mining Law Course, University of Western Australia, Perth (2009 to current).
- What is Best Practice? Mabo 20 Years On, Legalwise Seminar, Perth, 19 June 2012.
- Agreement Making in Native Title: “Best Practice” in Sight? Getting the Best Practice in Native Title Negotiations, AIATSIS National Native Title Conference, Townsville, 4 June 2012.
- Best Practice for Native Title Land Use Negotiations, Tonkin’s Native Title Forum, Perth, 29 August 2011.
- Ethical Issues for Native Title Practitioners, Legalwise Native Title Conference, Perth 3 June 2011.
- Native Title Workshop Presentation, Aurora Project, Perth, February 2011.
- Native Title Workshop Presentation, Aurora Project, Melbourne, November 2010.
- Negotiations with Indigenous Communities and Cultural Heritage Issues, Permit and Project Approval Conference, Perth, 30 October 2008.
- Agreements under the Native Title Act, November 2006.
- Agreements and Negotiations with Indigenous People: Handling of Native Title and Cultural Heritage Business by Resource and Developers, Mining Law Update, Legalwise Seminar, Perth, 20 September 2005.
- Expediting Exploration in Victoria: the Regional ILUA Approach, Minerals Council of Australia, Inaugural Global Sustainable Development Conference, Melbourne 25-29 October 2004.
- Risk Management in the Native Title Era: Negotiations Obligations and Approaches, AusIMM Mining Risk Conference, Sydney, 9-12 September 2003.
- Victorian Local Government and the Indigenous Community: Best Practice in Consultation.
- Indigenous People and Country.
- Working with Government and Communities: Regional ILUAs in Victoria.
- Consulting with Aboriginal People about Aboriginal Heritage Business.
- Native Title Negotiations Practice: Survey of Native Title Holders.
- Oil and Gas Agreements Course: Native Title Paper, UWA, November 2013.
- Native Title Negotiations Strategy Checklist and Template.
- Native Title Negotiator Newsletters.
- Native Title PBC News Newsletters.
- Business models for Native Title PBCs and related entities.
- Guidance on Running Native Title PBCs.
- Updates on new WHS laws in WA.
- Covid-19 Management in the Workplace.
- Covid-19 Management on Cultural Heritage Surveys.